Hello my name is Paula Francesca Galli and I am a Certified Life Coach. I am very pleased to be a part of the elements team and even more excited about having the possibility to meet and work with all of you! I truly believe that a great coaching relationship results with both the coach and client feel completely comfortable with one another. I think that this occurs when an open relationship is established. In hopes of building this type of relationship with you, I would love to share a little bit about myself.
I am extremely passionate in helping others realize that everything they want for themselves and their lives is possible. I hope to help others reach their fullest potential and accomplish each and every one of their dreams. However, I believe that none of this is possible without first acquiring a strong foundation to who you really are and learning how to love yourself in the present moment. From personal experience, I do realize that learning how to become that way, however, is a lot easier said than done.
Since a very young age I have really struggled to find out not only who I am but what my purpose is on this earth. After years of battling with extremely low self-esteem, anxiety, taunting perfectionism, depression and an eating disorder, I understand first hand just how difficult life can be when you are not comfortable in your own skin and your mind is not in alignment to the person that you truly are.
When I was advised to take anti-depressants by a doctor at the age of eighteen, something inside of me strongly said no. I believed that there had to be another way to deal with what I was going through. For years I continued to try to change through working from the outside in, yet nothing got better, in fact things actually got worse for me. However, once I realized that the real key to happiness lies in working from the inside out, did things begin to change for myself and my life the way I had always dreamed was possible. After a lot of self-discovery through the assistance of books, therapy, Landmark Education, yoga and meditation, I now not only know who I am but have found what I believe is my purpose in life, to help others achieve their best lives.
After receiving my Honours Bacholors Degree in Psychology from the University of Toronto, I had a difficult time in deciding what type of approach I wanted to take in order to help others. Since I believe that we as human beings are composed of not only the mind, but the body and spirit as well, I have decided that traditional psychology is not necessarily the path I want to take. From my own yoga and meditation practices, not only in Canada but also in Thailand and Indonesia, I have grown to appreciate and understand the enormous value that yoga and other holistic approaches of healing have not only for our bodies, but even more so our minds. I believe that everything that we need, to not only heal ourselves, but to guide us in attaining a life we truly love living, lies deep inside each and everyone of us. Yet, most people have a difficult time reaching that depth of themselves. I believe that I endured all that I went through to allow me to experience first hand the process of self-healing and transformation in order to authentically be able to help others.
My coaching journey began when I was the head goal coach at lululemon athletica in Toronto for over a year. After receiving great feedback through my coaching sessions with over thirty employees, I decided that it was time for me to move to Vancouver and become a certified Life Coach. I had finally found the job I believed I was destined to do. Once I completed my Life Coaching training I knew there was still something missing from what I wanted to not only learn about for my own self, but more so, to be able to share with my clients. From personal experience I feel that there is only so much that psychology and any sort of “mental training” can do for you. I strongly believe that if your body is unhealthy your mind will be as well and vice versa. If your body is off alignment through the affects of the food you are eating or as a result of missing essential nutrients, achieving your ideal life is utterly impossible. With that being said I am not only a Certified Life Coach but I am currently attending school at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition to become a Registered Nutritional Consultant Practitioner (RNCP) and Registered Orthomolecular Health Practitioner (ROHP). I feel that being able to offer nutritional advice to those clients who so desire, will simply be another service that will help others live their ideal lives.
Now that you know a little bit about me, I would love to not only get to know you but learn what it is that you really want out of your life. We only live once and I am a firm believer in not settling for anything less then what we really want! I hope you take the time to put yourself and your life first and take the steps towards creating your dream life, as you truly deserve it.
I look forward to getting to know you more and helping you create your ideal life, one goal at a time.